"It's Intrusive."

Some may assume that having a photographer present during such an intimate and vulnerable moment could be intrusive or uncomfortable. On multiple occasions, a Mama has shared with me that her partner had reservations like, "I don't want anyone else in the room," "That's such a private moment," or "You don't even know the photographer on that level." However, it's important to emphasize that birth photographers are professionals who understand the sensitivity of the situation. They know how to blend into the background and respect the birthing person's space and privacy while still capturing meaningful moments. They observe the dynamics of the room, anticipate key moments, and adjust their approach accordingly to ensure they capture the essence of the experience while remaining unobtrusive.

Additionally, trust is essential in birth photography. By building a rapport with the birthing person and their support team, photographers create a sense of comfort and confidence that allows them to move around the space seamlessly and capture authentic moments without causing distraction or discomfort. Most birth photographers, including myself, will meet with you before the big day to discuss your birth wishes and get to know you better. We do not take the honor of being in your sacred birth space lightly. We want you to feel comfortable, supported, and loved. It takes a special type of person to be a birth worker-- Someone that is patient, caring, and selfless.

I can't count on two hands how many times I have heard from a Mama after birth that although her husband was skeptical, after birth he feels so appreciative that I was there as their birth photographer to support and document.

"It's Expensive!"

Another common assumption is that hiring a birth photographer is prohibitively expensive. I prefer the word "investment" because I think birth photography captures priceless memories that can be cherished for a lifetime, making it a worthwhile investment for many families. While it's true that professional photography services can come with a cost, it's essential to highlight the value that these photos hold. Here's some things that have been to accounted for in the investment of a professional birth photographer:

Expertise and Skill: Birth photographers possess specialized skills and expertise that set them apart from other types of photographers. They must be proficient in low-light photography, fast-paced environments, and capturing raw emotions without being intrusive. Achieving high-quality, meaningful birth photos requires years of training, experience, and dedication to mastering the craft.

24/7 Availability: Birth is unpredictable, and photographers must be on-call 24/7 during the weeks surrounding the due date. This means sacrificing personal time, rearranging schedules, arranging childcare, and being ready to respond at a moment's notice, even in the middle of the night or on weekends.

Equipment and Gear: Birth photography requires specialized equipment designed to perform well in low-light, high-stress environments, such as fast lenses, professional-grade cameras, and backup gear. Additionally, photographers must invest in equipment insurance, maintenance, and upgrades to ensure they can deliver high-quality images consistently.

Risk and Liability: Birth photographers operate in a high-pressure, emotionally charged environment where every moment is fleeting and irreplaceable. There's no room for error, as they only have one chance to capture the birth experience. The risk of missing critical moments, technical malfunctions, or unforeseen complications adds a layer of liability for photographers.

Post-Processing and Editing: The work of a birth photographer extends beyond the moment of capture to include post-processing and editing of the a large gallery of images. This involves selecting the best shots, enhancing colors and contrast, retouching imperfections, and curating a cohesive narrative of the birth story. The time and skill required for meticulous editing contribute to the overall cost of birth photography services.

Client Support and Communication: Birth photographers provide personalized support and communication throughout the entire process, from the initial consultation to the delivery of the final images. This includes a pre-birth meeting, answering questions, addressing concerns, coordinating logistics, and providing emotional support to the expecting family. We don't see this a job, but a true way to support mothers during their most vulnerable time.

"It's Only For Home Births."

Some might assume that birth photography is only suitable for home births or natural childbirth experiences. However, birth photography aims to capture the essence and emotions of childbirth, regardless of where or how it occurs. Whether it's a hospital birth, a birthing center delivery, a planned cesarean section, or a home birth attended by a midwife, each birth story is unique and worthy of documentation. Birth photographers are skilled at adapting to different birth environments and capturing the beauty and significance of the experience, regardless of the setting.

Birth photography helps to normalize and celebrate the diversity of birth experiences, including those that deviate from traditional norms or expectations. By showcasing a variety of birth stories and settings, birth photography empowers individuals to make informed choices about their own birthing preferences and experiences. Seeing images of different birth options, including hospital births, can help individuals feel validated and empowered in their decision-making process, regardless of the path they choose

Birth photography plays a crucial role in promoting inclusivity and diversity within the birthing community. By documenting a wide range of birth experiences, photographers help to amplify the voices and stories of individuals from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and communities. This representation is essential for fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance within the birthing community and ensuring that all families feel seen, heard, and valued in their birthing journeys.

"It's Only Good for Perfect Births."

There's a misconception that birth photography is only for births that go according to plan or are aesthetically perfect. In reality, birth photographers are skilled at capturing the raw, unfiltered moments of birth, regardless of how the experience unfolds. Every birth story is unique and beautiful in its own way, and birth photography celebrates that diversity. Every birth, regardless of the circumstances, is a deeply emotional and transformative experience for the individuals involved.

Birth photography seeks to capture the full spectrum of emotions—joy, pain, anticipation, fear, relief, and love—that accompany the birthing process. These genuine emotions are what make each birth story unique and worthy of documentation. Every birth, regardless of the circumstances, is a deeply emotional and transformative experience for the individuals involved.

Every birth journey has its own twists, turns, and unexpected moments that shape the narrative of the experience. Whether it's a long and difficult labor, a premature birth, a planned cesarean section, or a home birth attended by a midwife, each birth story is worthy of celebration and remembrance. Birth photography preserves the journey from start to finish, honoring the path that led to the arrival of a new life.

Birth photography strives to portray birth as it truly is, without sugarcoating or glamorizing the experience. This means capturing the messy, raw, and unfiltered moments of childbirth, including sweat, tears, blood, and exhaustion. By embracing the reality of birth, photographers help normalize the diverse range of experiences and choices that families may encounter during the birthing process.

Birth photography fosters a sense of connection and empathy by sharing authentic birth stories that resonate with others. Seeing images of diverse birth experiences, including those that deviate from societal norms or expectations, can help individuals feel seen, understood, and empowered in their own birthing journeys. By showcasing the beauty and humanity of birth in all its forms, birth photography promotes inclusivity and celebrates the diversity of human experience.

It's Unnecessary Because of Smartphones

With smartphones equipped with high-quality cameras, some may question the need for a professional birth photographer. While it's true that smartphones can capture snapshots of the birthing experience, a professional photographer offers expertise, artistic vision, and a level of dedication that ensures every moment is captured beautifully and thoughtfully.

Birth photographers are trained professionals with specialized skills in capturing the unique moments and emotions of childbirth. They understand the intricacies of lighting, composition, and timing, ensuring that every image tells a powerful and meaningful story. Unlike smartphone photographers, who may lack experience in high-pressure, low-light environments, birth photographers are adept at navigating the challenges of labor and delivery to deliver stunning, professional-quality images.

By hiring a birth photographer, families can fully immerse themselves in the birthing experience without the distraction of trying to capture photos or videos themselves. Instead of worrying about getting the perfect shot, they can focus on supporting the birthing person, bonding with their new baby, and savoring every precious moment as it unfolds. Meanwhile, the photographer can concentrate on documenting the entire journey from start to finish, ensuring that no moment is missed or forgotten.

Birth photographers use professional-grade cameras, lenses, and lighting equipment designed to perform well in challenging conditions. These tools allow them to capture crisp, clear images with superior detail and resolution, even in dimly lit birthing rooms or fast-paced delivery environments. In contrast, smartphone cameras may struggle to produce high-quality images in low-light situations, resulting in grainy or blurry photos that fail to capture the true essence of the birthing experience.

After the birth, birth photographers carefully curate and edit the images to create a cohesive and compelling narrative of the birthing experience. They have the skills and tools to enhance colors, adjust lighting, and retouch imperfections, resulting in stunning, gallery-worthy photos that families will treasure for years to come. In contrast, smartphone photos may lack the professional polish and presentation that comes with professional editing and post-processing.

Have more questions? I'd love to hear your assumptions! Please reach out to me anytime at allydavisphotography@gmail.com


Ally Davis

Conroe Birth Photographer